Date: 3rd – 4th February 2018
Venue: PSI, Grantham Street, Dublin
Time: 9:30 – 4:30pm
PSI Learning Credits: 8
Admission: PSI Member Rate €170 – Non PSI Member Rate €210
Working with couples can be very challenging and asks a great deal of the therapist in different ways to working with individuals. This training day is designed to give therapists an opportunity to learn systemic concepts when working with couples and to build confidence in this area of clinical work.
Participants will be introduced to ‘Systemic’ thinking which is central to effective couple work. Additionally, adaptations of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) to couple work is included in this workshop with practical applications of ‘Best Hopes’, ‘Miracle Question’ ‘Scaling’ and ‘Exceptions’. The skill of ‘Circular Questioning’ will be practised as participants learn to engage with more than one person, keep the session progressing and manage many of the difficult and complex issues that can arise.
Training methods will include Ari introducing each technique, demonstrating them in simulations, and trainees practising them followed by questions and discussion.
The format is designed to be practical with a strong focus on clinical skills
Self-reflection on clinical work will be incorporated to allow for integration of new perspectives and skills.
Learning objectives of this training: