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meeting table

IPSON Steering Committee 2022 – 2023

The IPSON Steering Committee is up and running. Members were selected to include as much representation and diversity in our membership as possible. We are grateful to the members for volunteering their time and energy to build our organisation. IPSON Steering Committee members are: Naomi Algeo,

Online Drop-in Lunchtime Sessions & IPSON Webinar

Online drop-in lunchtime sessions on Wednesdays These sessions will have no agenda, but will be open times to meet others, connect, share ideas, get advice, brainstorm about research, etc. If there are small “interest groups,” we can organise into breakout rooms. Wednesdays at 1pm on Oct

Ipson - Irish Psycho-Social Oncology Network - Green


The Irish Cancer Society wishes to invite eligible professionals in the field of Psycho-Social Oncology to submit an application for the IPSON Leadership Award. The Irish Psycho-Social Oncology Network (IPSON) is the representative group for professionals working in the area. Launched in 2016, the key

Applications sought for National Clinical Lead for Psycho-Oncology

The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) is currently seeking applications for a National Clinical Lead for Psycho-Oncology. Working with the National Director, NCCP staff, Internal and External stakeholders, the National Clinical Lead will be responsible for: • Providing clinical leadership for the Psycho-Oncology programme, by steering

The 20th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy

The annual IPOS World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy brings together professionals in diverse fields from around the globe who dialogue about improving cancer care on an international level and developing strategies to add psychosocial issues to all aspects of cancer control. The attendees

Irish Psychosocial Oncology Network 2018 Meetings

IPSON are meeting throughout 2018 to support the implementation of the National Cancer Strategy recommendations. The first meeting was on Friday April 27th in Cancer Care West, Galway. The second meeting is on Tuesday 9th October 12:00 to 15:00 in The Cuisle Centre, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. The final meeting is on Tuesday

HSE Publishes National Service Plan 2018

Following approval from Government, the HSE has published its National Service Plan 2018. The Plan sets out the type and volume of health and personal social services to be provided in 2018, within the funding available. It also recognises that underpinning all of these actions is

IPOS 2018 Membership now open

Founded in 1984, the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) was created to foster international multidisciplinary communication about clinical, educational and research issues that relate to the subspecialty of psycho-oncology and two primary psychosocial dimensions of cancer:   Response of patients, families and staff to cancer and its

Jimmie Holland, Who Cared for the Cancer Patient’s Mind, Dies at 89

Dr Jimmie Holland, the pioneer of psycho-oncology sadly died on 24th December 2017. Read about her life and career here: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/04/obituaries/jimmie-holland-who-cared-for-the-cancer-patients-mind-dies-at-89.html In 2017, Jimmie Holland was interviewed by IPOS on her career, you can watch the video on: http://ipos-society.org/ IPSON were privileged to have Dr Jimmie Holland at our

IPOS Core Curriculum – Online Lecture Series

A reminder that IPOS Core Curriculum is an online lecture series of ten webcasts, funded by the European School of Oncology (ESO). Certificates of completion are available to current IPOS members on completion of the corresponding lecture survey. For more, click here.

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